Reprefarco S.A.S.


REPREFARCO S.A.S and NOVAPHARMA S.A.S, they are companies dedicated to the manufacture and sale of medicines for hospital use; and innovation in the development of vital drugs not available for the national and international market.


Our main allies are high-tech drug manufacturing companies.


We guarantee that our medications meet all Quality standards.

REPREFARCO S.A.S. y NOVAPHARMA S.A.S. We manufacture and market the national Hospital market.

We are a business group that manufactures and imports medicines for hospital use in the national and international market. We began operations in Cali, Colombia, since 2004, meeting the requirements of Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmaceutical logistics operators and Distributors at a national and international level.

Develop, import and market reliable medicines that contribute to health under quality and compliance parameters.

Consolidate ourselves in the near future as an alternative recognized nationally and internationally in the supply of medicines and pharmaceutical developments.

We care about providing excellent quality in our products, distinguishing ourselves by adequate customer service, which is why we have an ideal work team to meet our objectives.

Solid injectable hospital medications, antibiotics, lyophilized and more…

For more information, contact the telephone numbers:

Telephone +57 602-4028081
Cell: +57 318 7084031
Cell: +57 316 5288184